January 17, 2020

How kindness is killing the animals

How kindness is killing the animals

Imagine the following situations. People on the city's waterfront to feed the ducks bread. The family finds a hare while walking in the woods and takes it home. Zoo visitors share candy with a cute raccoon.

What do these situations have in common? The fact is that people kill animals.

Wild animals - wildlife

If you meet a wild animal in a forest or Park, you should adhere to a single rule of behavior - do not approach. And especially not to take it home.
For example, few people can resist stroking a small hare. But this way you leave your scent on it, and the mother hare may not take it back. Without her care, the child will die.1.pngBy the way, the hare never goes far from the cubs and feeds them several times a day. Even if the hare seems abandoned, you should not take it home. Growing wild animals at home is difficult. And it will be impossible to return it to its natural environment: a child smelling of human habitation will not be accepted back. And an adult hare just won't learn to survive, because it will grow up among people.
You also don't have to feed wild animals. First, the animals will stop hunting and will get food in the simplest way-begging. Secondly, they will stop being afraid of people and become easy prey for hunters.

Feed correctly. And not feed

Feeding birds in winter is correct. However, unsuitable products are often used for this purpose. Usually bread. It causes fermentation and provokes the inversion of the gut. The salts contained in it poison the bird's body. In addition, it does not provide the necessary energy for life.2.pngNo need to feed the birds with spoiled food. It's just as dangerous for them as it is for people. It is best to use unsalted pumpkin and sunflower seeds, corn grains, crushed peanuts, cereals (millet, barley), sliced apples and pears.

Animals kept in Zoological gardens also suffer. Once on the website of the Krasnoyarsk zoo there was an inscription: "Hello! I marhar, my name is coral. I'm 10 months old. ... Yesterday there were many, many guests in our Park, and today I died." Corolla was literally fed to death with carrots and cabbage.5.pngAnd he's not the only victim of kind visitors. A Shetland pony has died at the Penza zoo. In the Moscow zoo, a seal and ostriches almost suffocated. People feed animals everything that comes to hand, even sandwiches and sweets. To protect animals, zoos erect high fences and bars. However, visitors throw products from above or push them through cells and rods.
Animals in zoos receive a varied and balanced diet. That's why employees keep yelling: don't feed the animals! Extra candy for them is a path to obesity and disease.

They are dangerous to us

The desire to do a good deed can turn against the person himself. So, many wild animals are carriers of various diseases. For example, raccoons can carry rabies. And the disease has an interesting side effect. Raccoons become very friendly and go out on their own. It's not like a rabid rabid dog, is it? Cute raccoon and I want to take it. But it can turn into a tragedy for the whole family.6.pngAnd the danger posed by seduced wild animals is obvious. In their search for food, they may unwittingly harm their virtue. Or a stranger.

Taking care of an animal is a huge responsibility. If you are not sure that you can arrange proper care, you can contact the relevant organizations and support the work of volunteers in other ways.

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