May 1, 2020

Habits that kill the planet

1. Excessive use of resources

Artificial lighting in the apartment, an open tap with water while brushing your teeth – a common thing, but we must not forget about the limited resources. Every day a person consumes thousands of kilowatts of electricity and millions of cubic meters of water, but this cannot continue indefinitely.

The solution is simple-close the water and turn off the light, no matter how banal it is.1.jpg

2.jpg2. Disposable items

It's easy to throw away used tubes, Breakfast bags, and water bottles. It is much more difficult to clean the ocean of garbage that gets there every day, polluting it and killing all life. Buy a Tetra-pack with juice with a disposable tube for a child on a walk-just. It is impossible to destroy, bury, or burn all the garbage on the planet.

There is an alternative: give preference to reusable household items. It's a lot easier than it looks. Fortunately, it is now possible to buy reusable items: metal and bamboo tubes, glass water bottles, eco – mugs for hot drinks, and glass lunch boxes. The use of metal and glass as a material for household items is preferable. Such materials are processed in larger volumes than plastic. Plastic recycling programs in Russia are just beginning to develop.4.jpg

3. Constant use of personal transport

Traveling by private car is convenient and affordable, but it destroys the environment. 500 million cars worldwide emit fuel by-products into the atmosphere. They, in turn, destroy the ozone layer in the atmosphere, settle on plants, killing them. The unimaginable amount of exhaust fumes negatively affects motorists themselves: bronchial asthma, weakened immune systems – all this is a small part of the consequences of air pollution.

The alternative is to avoid excessive car use. Everyone can consider suitable options for themselves: Bicycle, public transport, metro. The best option for health is to walk, at least occasionally.5.jpg4. Throwing away good things

Throwing trash out of the house is a useful habit, but not all things that are no longer necessary are trash. There are a huge number of things and household appliances in landfills that could have served another owner for a long time.

The way out, as always, is simple – every unnecessary thing has the right to a second chance. Children's toys, books, outdated appliances may be useful to someone. There are several ways to find a new owner: selling, giving away for free, second-hand stores, flea markets, thrift stores, charity. You can always choose what you like.6.jpg5. Underestimating your place in the fight for the environment

What could be easier – throw away 1 small tube, pack a sandwich in a bag, leave the water open, turn on the light in the daytime throughout the apartment. All these actions are so insignificant at first glance. One, two, three things given to charity will not save the whole world from excessive consumption; one small bottle of water will not pollute the ocean. Every item that gets a second life will prove that a person consumes too much. Each tube that does not fall into the ocean will not allow its inhabitant to die of suffocation.7.jpgEco-friendly habits, firmly settled in everyone's life, can prevent a disaster. The fight against problems begins with a small one: a cloth shopping bag, a gift without extra packaging, and items given to those in need. You should always start with yourself.

Author: Akinina Alexandra

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