April 24, 2020

TOP-10 most unusual trees on our planet

1. The walking palm tree

The walking palm is recognized as the most amazing tree in the world. Other names: socratea obnazhennaya, or golokananda. It has strange roots that look like legs, having the form of appendages resting on the ground, which is clearly visible in the photo. They grow outward from the base of the tree. The appendages are quite long and strong. When you look at the palm tree, you get the impression that it is able to move independently through the forest. It is believed that such roots are a kind of Board-shaped roots. Interesting fact: the "Legs" of this palm tree can be higher than human height.1.jpg

2. Unusual properties of the Dragon tree

Also, the plant called Dracaena dragon, a pet dragon, teneriffae tree. The distribution area is the Canary Islands, the Madeira archipelago, and the Kingdom of Morocco. An unusual plant likes to settle on rocks, rocky cliffs and other hard-to-reach places. Therefore, populations form small groups that are randomly scattered throughout the territory.2.jpgInteresting fact: on some Islands of the world, "dragon blood" is cultivated because of its properties, which are attributed to a mystical origin. Frankly speaking, the resinous juice of the plant simply has wound-healing, anti-inflammatory effects, there is no magic in this.

3. Brachychiton is an interesting moisture accumulator

Brachychiton rock belongs to the Malvaceae family. It is endemic to the North-Eastern part of Australia. This is one of the strangest plants in the world. It got its name because of the unusual shape of the trunk, resembling a bottle. It expands downwards, remaining thinner at the top. The wide part can reach 15 m. This form is explained by the fact that the tree, existing in a dry climate, tends to accumulate moisture for its life support. Often brachychiton has the form of a potbellied barrel, at the top of which there are branches with green leaves.3.jpg

4. Fruit-the core of an unusual cannon tree

The Latin name of this plant is Couroupita guianensis. It belongs to the lecithin Family. Its habitat is tropical regions of the South American continent. It can also be found in the Caribbean, South India, and nowhere else in the world. As it is easy to guess, it got its strange name because of the appearance of fruits that look like cannonballs.4.jpg

5. Cotton tree

This specimen is famous not only for its fantastic appearance, but also for its unusual fruit filling, which has no analogues in the world. Ceiba pentandra produces a strange interesting material similar to cotton fibers. Also it is known under names: Kapok, Ceiba pentandra, amount.5.jpg

6. The Quiver tree belongs to the genus aloe. This is a tree-like evergreen plant that grows up to 9 meters. It has a strong, thick trunk, reaching 100 cm in volume. The smooth trunk part at the top ends with an umbrella crown. Dichotomous aloe has no annual rings. The bark is a cracked surface. This is not surprising, since this type of aloe grows in the middle of the most arid deserts.6.jpg

7. Great Banyan — an unusual tree-forest

One of the strangest trees in the world is the Great Banyan tree. This is a record holder with the largest crown area on the planet. A person who sees it may think that it is in the middle of a forest, since the Banyan tree looks like a whole grove. It is a species of Bengal ficus belonging to the mulberry family.7.jpg

8. Rainbow eucalyptus-a miracle of nature

Rainbow eucalyptus is an incredibly strange, but very beautiful plant, striking in its splendor. When you look at it, you get the feeling that the bark was painted with bright colors. At first, the bark turns green. As it grows, its color changes, it becomes blue, purple, maroon. Also, orange and yellow stripes appear on the surface of the trunk. The grove of rainbow eucalypts is a fantastic sight. People who have seen it will agree that it is the most beautiful forest in the world8.jpg

9. Jabuticaba — Brazilian grape

This is an extremely strange evergreen fruit crop found in tropical latitudes. It grows in Cuba, the Philippine Islands, and South America. Jabuticaba can be wild, it also is grown to produce a crop, as one of the most valuable fruit crops. It is also known as the Brazilian grape.9.jpg

10. Chilean pine

Araucaria chili is a rather unusual coniferous tree that has no analogues on the planet. It has a long thin trunk, up to 60 meters high. It is found in Argentina, Chile.

It would seem that what is interesting about pine and why we complete our top with it?

First, before the ice age in Central Russia, Araucaria felt at home, which is very interesting, because now its habitat has changed dramatically.

Secondly, the famous botanist Archibald Menzies brought Araucaria chili to Europe: at an official Banquet, he put in his pocket its seeds-nuts served for dessert.

Finally, the leaves of this tree are so hard and prickly that birds prefer not to sit on them. That is why the tree has such a strange name: once the proud owner of Araucaria, who lives in Cornwall (in the South-West of the UK), showing the tree to his guests, said: «Climbing this tree would be a real puzzle even for a monkey», since then the second name of the tree is «Monkey Puzzle»10.jpgThere are many talented people in the world whose works are admired, but the best artist in the world is undoubtedly nature. Our task is to preserve all the fruits of her creativity for future generations.

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