May 15, 2023

Dracula’s Heirs: interesting facts about mosquitoes

A little more than two weeks – and summer will come! The sun, nature, kebabs and ... mosquitoes are waiting for us. Few people like these insects, and yet, they are an important part of the planet's ecosystems, pollinators of plants and food for many species of birds and amphibians. Of the more than 3,500 species of mosquitoes living on earth, only about 200 drink blood, and then only in order to breed offspring. As you can probably guess, females have to do this, while males enjoy flower nectar at this time. Today in our collection – unusual facts about mosquitoes.

Fact #1 Mosquitoes make from 300 to 600 wing flaps per second, but they fly very slowly. Their average speed is about 2 km / h, so you can easily "escape" from them even at a leisurely pace. It is not surprising that mosquitoes do not like to fly far. Most fly a maximum of 3-4 km from their habitat. However, given the size of the mosquito, this is also a lot.

Fact #2 The life of a mosquito is short. Most of them go through all stages from egg to adult in just 4 days, and live on average from 2 weeks to a month.

Fact #3 The small size and weight, on the one hand, make mosquitoes uncomfortable, since it is difficult for them to fight the wind, and on the other hand, they allow them to fly between raindrops and walk on the web.

Fact #4 Mosquitoes track down the victim by exhaled carbon dioxide, which they feel from 20 meters away, and have infrared vision. This helps them find prey in the dark.

Fact #5 On a full moon, mosquitoes, like werewolves, become 5 times more active.

Fact #6 Mosquitoes have their own taste preferences. Studies show that they prefer "victims" with the first blood type. They like it when a person sweats, uses a perfume with a floral fragrance or cosmetics containing lactic acid. Japanese scientists say that mosquitoes love the smell of beer, so when relaxing in nature in the summer, it is better to replace it with some other drink. They also say that mosquitoes prefer blondes, but it is not entirely clear whether this applies only to owners of natural blonde, or coloring in a light color also makes us more attractive to insects ;)

Fact #7 The mosquito genus has a rich history. The oldest remains of mosquitoes found by scientists are about 200 million years old.

Fact #8 Mosquitoes have lips, teeth and a tongue. They have about 50 teeth, and they help insects bite through the skin. The structure of the mosquito proboscis inspired the creators of a hypodermic syringe.

Fact #9 Some people are immune to mosquitoes. For some reason, their immune system does not respond to bites of local allergic reactions, like most, and sweat contains substances that repel insects.

Fact #10 Mosquitoes are active not only in summer, but also in winter. And we are not talking about the tropics, but quite familiar to us sub-zero temperatures. There are several species of these insects that a light frost does not prevent from living and reproducing. True, they do not drink blood and do not have a mouthpiece at all, they receive all the nutrients at the larval stage, feeding and warming themselves with the remains of rotting plants.

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