May 4, 2022

The Notivory Foundation team has developed a presentation material for eco-lessons for younger schoolchildren

The Notivory Foundation team has developed a presentation material for eco-lessons for younger schoolchildren

Within the framework of the Project "Let's save the Red Book Birds of Russia together!" the Notivory Foundation team developed a presentation material for eco-lessons and handed it to the teachers of the Simskaya school of the Yuryev-Polsky district of the Vladimir region.

Notivory environmental lessons included three blocks of knowledge, each of which was accompanied by colorful illustrations and interesting games to test the acquired knowledge. Schoolchildren of Simskaya school in an accessible format learned about what ecology is and got acquainted with its key concept – ecosystem. As part of the lesson, the children played an eco-game for attentiveness, learned how to behave properly in nature and got an idea of rare birds listed in the Red Book of Russia and the Red Book of the Vladimir region.


According to the creators of the presentation, a responsible attitude to the conservation of the biodiversity of our planet should be formed from childhood. Environmental education of younger schoolchildren consists in the development, deepening and further formation of the understanding of the interaction of man and the environment received in kindergarten and at home.

The Notivory Foundation is convinced that at this stage of development it is important for a child to lay the basic foundations of environmental knowledge necessary for further education and upbringing at subsequent age stages of a full-fledged ecological worldview.

Download the presentation

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The project "Let's save the Red Book Birds of Russia together!" is being implemented with the support of the Presidential Grants Fund.

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