May 11, 2022

Kings of disguise. TOP 3 animal champions in the game of hide and seek!

In the wild, the ability to disguise is skill #1. At the same time, it does not matter whether you are a predator or prey – the ability to be inconspicuous and merge with the surrounding environment will be useful in both cases. Some animals have honed this skill so that it has become a real art. At the same time, they do not use any extraneous devices, but act exclusively with the help of the capabilities of their own body.

Orchid Mantis

Photo source: Animal Reader magazine

This predatory insect lives in the rainforests of India and Indonesia. Its body color and shape completely repeats the delicate white-pink heart of an orchid flower. The mantis does not need to make any effort to hunt: pollinating insects, deceived by its appearance, sit on the "bud" - and find themselves in its powerful jaws.

Smoky Frogcourt

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Photo source: 35PHOTO

These birds are relatives of owls. They live in Australia, are nocturnal and feed on insects, which they catch with their beaks wide open. During the day, these birds are usually inactive. Noticing the danger, they close their eyes, tilt their head back and freeze, becoming like a part of the tree on which they are sitting. Thanks to the smoky color of the plumage, this trick works perfectly, and it can be extremely difficult to notice a frog against the background of the surrounding forest.



Photo source: FISHKI NET

This predatory fish of the scorpion family lives in the Pacific and Indian Oceans. She likes to wait for her prey, hiding at the bottom in the sun-warmed water in shallow water. It is almost impossible to notice it, and a small fish swimming by becomes a victim of a lightning throw. By the way, not only a fish can become a victim, but also a careless diver. The rock fish is considered the most poisonous fish in the ocean. On its back there are 13 sharp fins with poison capable of killing an adult.

Of course, there are still millions of creatures in the world who can perfectly hide and disguise themselves. Biodiversity is one of its main values. Let's do everything we can together to preserve this value for our children and grandchildren.

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