May 5, 2020

Fossilized eggs of dinosaurs or the Stone pearls Galfedsa Izyas

Galfedsa Izyas - this is an unusual name for the Russian ear is one of the attractions of Komi. This is a placer of stone balls with a diameter of 1 to 4 meters, found on the Bank of the Izhma river near the village of Maloe Galovo. In fact, the very name means in the language of the Komi Republic "Malogolowkin stones".5.jpgThese rusty-red boulders look very picturesque and attract fans of the unusual not only from Russia, but also from other countries. Their geometrically correct shape awakens the imagination of fans of legends and mysticism. Some believe that these are fossilized dinosaur eggs. Others think that these are traces of the presence of extraterrestrials who visited our planet several thousand years ago. And the most fabulous explanation is that they were scattered here by a giant. In favor of this "theory" says that some of the stones have cracks and splits-apparently, the throw was too strong.6.jpgAnd scientists have their own view on the origin of rats. In their opinion, these are nothing more than nodules - small mineral bodies with a rounded shape. They are formed gradually around one or more centers, which can serve as any dense objects: particles of minerals, animal bones, shellfish shells, plant remains and pieces of coral. They grow at once in all directions, gradually increasing layer by layer, just as the mother-of-pearl around a grain of sand eventually forms a pearl. Nodules may have different compositions. Malogalovsky stones consist mainly of compounds of calcium, phosphorus, sulfur, manganese and iron, which gives them a bright ochre-red color. According to scientists, these are relatively young formations - they are no more than two million years old. And they are not particularly interesting for Mineralogy.1.jpgOver time, the Izhma washed away the bottom of the Bank, inside which boulders were formed. The soft rock subsided, and the harder stones came to the surface.
By the way, as calmly and pragmatically, as scientists, to Galfedsa Izyas are also local residents. In the old days, they dried their freshly laundered clothes on sun-warmed stones and used them to warm their aching lower back.
So for a long time, the mysterious stones served as a clothes dryer and a place for Spa treatments. Everything changed after the photographer Vladimir Anufriev took several pictures of unusual red stones against the background of autumn trees. Photos were published in Newspapers, magazines and the Internet, and the stones became first a local and then an international landmark.2.jpgNow tourists traveling in search of "places of power", give these boulders mystical properties. They believe that during the day they absorb the energy of the sun, and at night-the energy of the moon, and then are able to transmit it to the person who touches them. They are also believed to be able to heal. It is only necessary to press the sore spot against them. Locals are sure that the whole thing is that the massive stones, having warmed up in the sun for a day, just give off heat, like giant hot water bottles. Who is right, everyone decides for himself. After all, in the end, everyone gets what they believe in.

Author: Maria Astakhova

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