February 7, 2020

Russian winter

Russian winter With the onset of winter, nature is so transformed that it is easy to fall in love with the snow-white winter cover even from the window of a high-rise building. However, in order to see the best landscapes, it is worth escaping from a warm apartment and going to wander around the vast Russia.

Mountain Altai05.png

The Altai Republic is hidden from the outside world by mountains, dense forests and valleys of mountain rivers. However, despite its secluded location and harsh climate, 700-800 wild swans flock here every year for the winter. Its refuge of these majestic birds found in the lake of Light, now known as Swan lake. With the onset of heat, the birds leave the reserve, so winter is the only time when you can enjoy this unique spectacle.

Lake Baikal


О красотах Байкала ходят легенды. Но не все знают, что Байкал прославился не только как самое большое в мире хранилище пресной воды. Еще одна удивительная особенность Байкала – это лед. Он настолько прозрачен, что видимость в глубину достигает местами до 3 метров. Чего только не увидишь в толще замёрзшей воды: от застывших пузырьков воздуха, сплетающихся в причудливые узоры, до плавающих под толщей льда рыбок. Кстати, обитатели озера заслуживают особого внимания, ведь Байкал населен тысячами видов птиц, животных и рыб, многие из которых не встречаются больше нигде в мире.

Republic of Karelia


What animal do you associate with winter and new year holidays? Of course, the reindeer! These beauties are considered a symbol of Karelia and are very popular among the guests of the Republic. But it is important to remember that reindeer are listed in the Red book and are subject to protection, so the best place to get to know them is a deer farm. Valuable advice: when meeting a reindeer, be sure to consider its antlers, because the pattern of reindeer antlers is unique and never repeats!



Dombay is a picturesque corner of Karachay-Cherkessia, surrounded by mountains on all sides. This is the abode of lakes, canyons, snow bridges and the purest mountain air. Winter on Dombai is soft and so snowy that the height of snowdrifts reaches 2-2.5 meters. Add to this the panoramic views of Teberda, Elbrus and the Main Caucasus Range – and your eyes will see the Russian winter in the form in which it is depicted on the most beautiful new year cards.


In Russia, there are still many places that reveal their amazing features with the onset of cold weather. However, do not forget that, no matter how attractive the remote corners of our country are, it is not necessary to go far in search of the most beautiful winter landscapes. A trip to a beautiful winter fairy tale can begin with the nearest suburban forest and meet its transformed inhabitants.            

Author: Alina Boltyshev

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