May 4, 2023

What do mushrooms talk about?

Mushrooms talk to each other! This conclusion was reached by a group of Japanese scientists led by Yu Fukasawa from Tohoku University, who studied the two–colored lacovica, a type of mushroom widely distributed in the coniferous forests of Eurasia and North Africa. However, the researchers could not find out what exactly the mushrooms are talking about. But they determined that they communicate using electrical signals, which are amplified after the rain. The maximum "volume" of messages after precipitation was 100 MV. At the same time, the signals were not chaotic and dispersed, which could simply be attributed to changes in the metabolism of the fungus due to increased humidity. They were clearly directed towards the mushrooms growing nearby.

In order to capture and measure these signals, the scientists used electrodes. Previously, similar experiments have already been conducted in the laboratory, but this time the researchers decided to study the conversations of mushrooms growing in the wild. It is known that fungi form colonies connected by a common fungal root – mycorrhiza. Also, with the help of mycorrhiza, they form symbiotic relationships with trees. The common root covers a large area and is better able to provide its owners with nutrients. Mushrooms supply the tree with minerals and water, and in return they receive organic substances produced by the plant.

But how do mushrooms and trees communicate to each other about their needs? One of their theories was just the theory about electrical signals, and it was confirmed. Perhaps there are other ways, but the exchange of electrical messages is recorded with the help of devices. The success has inspired scientists, and they plan to continue studying the language of mushrooms in order to decipher their signals and understand how they encode and transmit their messages, and how the "interlocutor" reacts to the information received.

Of course, it is not easy to accept the information that creatures that we used to think of as wordless and devoid of consciousness can actually talk to each other. But this proves once again that nature is much more complex and harmonious than is commonly believed, and there are still many unusual and unexplored things in the world.

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