
«Give the sky»

The Notivory Foundation has prepared a project for implementation, the purpose of which is to provide participants in combat operations who have been injured of varying severity, who have lost the ability to perform tasks in the area of their military training, the opportunity to be in demand on the labor market upon returning home or to continue service using the acquired skills.

The main focus of the Project is to open up new opportunities for the participants of ITS by providing a resource for obtaining a popular military and civilian specialty. Currently, there is a high demand for specialists with the ability to control FPV drones (this device allows you to perform tasks in electronic warfare (EW). As part of a special military operation, FPV drones are actively used by both fighters of the Russian Federation and the enemy. The use of FPV systems in combat conditions makes it possible to reduce losses among the personnel of combat units to a minimum.

In order to achieve the main goal, a number of activities are planned within the framework of the Project. The skill of the pilot is a decisive factor in the successful completion of the task using the FPV system. In this regard, within the framework of the "Give the Sky" Project, the Foundation will organize training in this specialty for a participant of the SVO who lost his leg during the fighting. JSC "SKANDA RUS", a partner of the Fund, will act as a co-executor. Having acquired the skill of managing an FPV system and a specialty, a veteran of the SVO will be able to continue serving as an instructor teaching other military personnel how to manage innovative technology.
To those people who have lost the ability to walk, we give the opportunity to fly.
Upon completion of the training, an FPV kit including 2 drones will be handed over to the participant of the SVO, and employment in the Notivory Foundation will also be offered. In addition, within the framework of the Project, two sets of FPV systems will be purchased and transferred to the combat formations of the Russian Federation for improving the combat effectiveness of troops. In order to attract public attention to the social problem of the participants of the SVO and to present alternative work for people who have partially lost their ability to work, a presentation conference will be held during the implementation of the Project, where it is planned to provide information about FPV systems, followed by a demonstration of their capabilities and ways of practical application. The media will be invited to the conference presentation for proper coverage of the event.

Successful implementation of the Project will allow:
- to receive a new demanded specialty and an FPV kit, including 2 drones, as well as the possibility of employment in the Notaivory Foundation;
- to attract public attention to the problem of employment of participants of the SVO who have partially lost their ability to work; - to attract public attention to the problem of employment of participants of the SVO who have partially lost their ability to work;
- purchase two sets of FPV systems and transfer them to the combat formations of the Russian Federation, which will increase their combat capability and reduce losses among personnel.


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