
Notivory is a community of people united by the desire to contribute to the preservation of the future

We talk about history, culture and nature

We protect endangered species of animals and draw public attention to environmental problems

We form environmental responsibility in the business area

Taking care of nature is not a duty, but a tool for promoting business activity!


«Dokuchaev Conference»
in which the Foundation participated and presented projects focused not only on environmental protection, but also on social aspects
the project was implemented with the support of the Presidential Grants Fund
the purpose of which is to preserve the historical and cultural heritage, natural resources of the Donetsk People's Republic, and social adaptation of the residents of the DPR
exhibition and conference on the nature of Donbass with presentations by experts in the field of ecology and environmental protection
photo contest and children’s drawings among residents of the DPR
within the framework of the Project «Donbass is Extraordinary»
expedition to the territory of the DPR
in the «Donetsk Ridge», within the framework of the Project «Donbass Extraordinary», implemented with the support of the Presidential Grants Fund
conducted expeditions

to solve environmental, scientific and research issues

charity events
in support of citizens, including children, who were forced to leave the territories of the DPR, LPR and Ukraine, who are in the sanatorium «Sosnovy Bor» of the Yaroslavl region
won Grants of the President of the Russian Federation
for the implementation of projects

The Notivory Fund

The main goal of the Notivory Fund is promoting wildlife conservation

How to help

Participation in expeditions with the Notivory Fund

The purposes of the expeditions are monitoring of poaching threat, environmental raids and other actions aimed at preserving and protecting wild fauna, as well as the preservation of the cultural and historical heritage

Creating media content

Creating photos and videos related to nature and its inhabitants, the historical and cultural heritage, as well as existing problems in various fields

Transfer of this content to the foundation for joint distribution

Notivory Security Platform Support

Transfer of materials related to wildlife crime to the foundation

Coverage of our materials on your personal resources

Joining the movement #яНотайвори

The movement of people who are not indifferent to the future

Anyone can join the movement by publishing hashtag #яНотайвори on his resource

Support in social networks

You can provide support in any way: join in social networks, make reposts, share your materials, etc

The Foundation’s support in social networks contributes to the popularization of activities among the general public, as well as the formation of values in society related to the preservation of the cultural and natural heritage

Volunteer activity

Participating in Notivory events as a volunteer is an opportunity to contribute to the conservation of fauna on planet

Join the volunteer movement — become, а part of the Notivory team

Support to the legislative initiatives of the Notivory Fund


Poaching in the Belgorod region
We are pleased to welcome you, dear friends!

Today we are forced to respond to the unfavourable situation caused by increasing cases of illegal killing…

July 31, 2024

Space day
Good afternoon, dear friends! Today, on April 12, a memorable date is celebrated in the Russian Federation — Cosmonautics Day.

On April 12, 1961, …

April 12, 2024

Petroglyphs of Lake Onega and the White Sea
Good afternoon, dear friends! Quite often we talk about the value of culture and creativity in the context of historical heritage, including modernity…

April 5, 2024